Sunday, February 3, 2013

Valentine's Day - Romantic Dating


Be Unpretentious, Romantic and Minimalistic this Valentine's Day

Created with Love by Agnes Koh

 We all know special occasion can stress people out. Whether you have a boyfriend; going on another date, having a casual lunch with a platonic friend or taking your regular dinner with a long-time beau - there is always something to celebrate. 

Put on this simple yet casual attire - the secrets to impress your other half is being natural and not trying too hard.  The more you relax; you will enjoy this memorable evening better.  Have fun!

And who says you need to have dinner during Valentine's Day?
Bring your pet to picnic at the beach is sweet.  Order on-the-go packed food from home and bring your sparkling wine or champagne along. How Nice!

Happy Valentine's Day - 14 February 2013 

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