Explore the power of your fluid nature with Agnes Koh, C.H.Ed Diploma in Yoga Teaching.
Her innovative sequences in natural flow enhance a perfect balance. Without compromising safety aspects in the asanas; the vitality, agility, rhythemic, spiraling movements truly liberate your energy, allow you to grow stronger and more flexible with grace.
Introducing the Iyenger Traditon with blocks, straps and wall to tap on the muscle tissues.
All beginners are welcome as Agnes takes you into an untapped reservoir of energy and joy with inner awareness, peace and contentment.
Continued yoga practice allow you to see transformation in your 5 senses. This will enhance your ability to overcome stress, anxiety, agitation, depression and tension. If you have watched "Kungfu Panda 2" you will delight and understnd what exactly "Inner Peace" is all about.
We are listed in Yoga Finder
Only Corporate Classes Available
Organise a Yoga Class at your office?
Please email : enquiry@etiquetteimageint.com for information.
YOGILATEZ (Multi-level)
A fusion mind-body program with the best of both worlds - Yoga & Pilates.
This is a time efficient workout! Complete with an easy to follow core training and relaxing yoga techniques, you reap the benefit within a shorter period.
This exhilarating and invigorating workout aimed to target every part of your body ~ abs, hips, butt, thighs and spine. The toned muscles are later compensated with relaxing stretches to ease away any tension.
Led by Intermediate Certified Yoga & Pilates trainer, Agnes Koh who recently raced through her 12 years anniversary in the fitness industry.
When : Only Corporate Classes Available
We are listed at : Directory of Fitness Related Websites
Organise a Yogilatez class at your office?
For more information, please email enquiry@etiquetteimageint.com.
To all my Zumbates :
This post was created for my beloved students who asked me after a workout during lunch hour. At your office, limited to shower facilities and how you could freshen up for your remaining day.
Fret not my friends, do not let these limitation deter you from signing up. You don’t want to miss the fun, joy and amazing spirit you get in the class. Plus…. a burning desire of up to 500 calories!
Spray on anti-deodorant at your under-arms, groins, underliner of your chest. Notice that I mentioned, Deodorant and not anti-perspirant. The objective of exercise is to pump up your respiratory system; increase heart rate, generate movement, perspire and regulate blood flow. Toxins are perched out through your pores. Antiperspirants are chemicals that block the pores and restrict perspiration wheras Deodorants allow perspiration to occur but control your odour.
If you are those who perspire profusely, you may use the 2-in-1 Anti-perspirant deodorant. It is easier to purchase the 2-in-1 as consumers prefer convenience to basic use. The ingredients keep you dry with refreshing fragrance that lasts the whole day.

Dove’s latest Ultimate Visibly Smooth Anti-Perspirant Deodorant kicks the odour 24-hour. No heavy waxy feeling when glides over the underarms and smells ocean-like.

The Garnier range is another choice and I believe, Guardian Pharmacy has its own in-house brand in spray form. No alchohol, colorants or preservatives are great for sensitive skin.
I recommend you use regularly even if you are not working out in the gym. The humid weather in Singapore leads to fungal infection such as eczema or rashes. You can’t go wrong without wearing one underneath your clothes.
I suggest you remove all the make-up during your workout. Trace amount of toxins are excreted through perspiration. This is to avoid sensitivity to your skin. Have a wet tissue to gently remove your powder, eye shadow or eye-liner. You want your skin to breathe and excrete the toxins through your facial pores.
Towel & Water
Bring along a clean towel to wipe off you sweat and replenish your body system with water. Drink plenty of water to cleanse the system and renew your cells through CO2.
After the Work-Out
Wet your towel and wipe the whole body. Dry-clean is an effective way to keep the rest of your day fresh. You could re-spray the anti-deodorant or apply baby powder to the entire body. Cleanse your face with facial cleanser and re-apply your make-up again. Spray mist of your favourite flavour to your face to set the skin’s ph balance. Your skin absorb best after the vigorous workout!
I have been using Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz. This is an instant pick-me-up face spritz to refresh and smoothen my skin. The enriched vitamin C helps my dull skin from an over exertion in my fitness classes. This is great especially after a yoga or pilates classes.
Don’t forget your skin care - eye gel, facial moisturizer, sun block and mineral powder. You are all set to go for an important meeting or stay all day feeling rejuvenated and alive!
Have a happy workout and see you in the classes everyone! Happy Teachers’ Day to Meeeee!!!!
From the desk of your beloved Zumba Instructor, Yogilatez Instructor : Agnes Koh